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GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

Risk based approach to data protection

What is GDPR in Georgia?

The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect from May 2018, when it overlapped the UK Data Protection Act 1998. Well enough and wide-approached in scope, the new law brings a 21st century practices to data protection. It extends the rights of individuals to control how their personal information is collected and processed, and places a range of new obligations on organizations to be more accountable for data protection.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance is not only a matter of marking a few boxes; the Regulation demands that organizations are able to address compliance with the data protection principles. Checkout our more services on Information and Cyber Security.

This includes risk-based approach to data protection, ensuring appropriate policies, procedures and solutions are in place to deal with the transparency, accountability and individuals’ rights provisions, as well as building a workplace culture of data privacy and security. General Data Protection Regulation with the appropriate compliance framework in place, not only will organizations be able to avoid significant fines and reputational damage, also be able to show customers that you are trustworthy and responsible, and derive added value from the data you hold. The organizations could be fined up to 4% of global turnover or €20 million if not comply to GDPR regulation. Checkout our more services on Information and Cyber Security.

GIS Consulting Team has comprehensive framework, solutions and extensive experience to help the organizations build a plan and implement the processes, controls and implement the right solutions to demonstrate and manage ongoing Genera Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance.

Steps to compliance the GDPR in Georgia

The process of getting ISO/IEC 20000certified with Accurate Cyber Security is a trouble-free step-by-step approach.

1. Initial consultation
We help you setting yourobjectives, focusing on what your business wants to achieve and how it defines success, specific in relation to your clients’ requirements. Together, you and GDPR specialist consultant will agree reasonable outcomes and delivery dates.

2. Preparing yourorganization’sGDPR Framework
Next, the Accurate Cyber Security Consultant will do the gap analysis for existing procedures and help you document the new systems that will help deliver success – both existing and how you will improve these. This manual and procedures confirm how your business should operate going forward so that it can deliver GDPR Compliance.

3. Training you to maintain GDPR compliance.
While the GDPR procedural document moving forward, it is even more important that it is placed to implement. We work with the top management team to ensure the ongoing framework is adopted throughout your organization. We also develop and deliver customized training for staff to ensure understanding and implementation of GDPR ismeaningful. This will create consistency across your organization, transforming your business from day one so it is optimized for efficiency, continual improvement and greater profitability.


  1. Lawfulness, fairness and transparency.
  2. Purpose limitation.
  3. Data minimization.
  4. Storage limitation.
  5. Integrity and confidentiality (security)
  6. Accountability

Accurate Cyber Security certification process is simpler, faster and affordable. However, again, depends on the size and process of the Organization.

  1. Racial or ethnic origin,
  2. political opinions,
  3. religious or philosophical beliefs,
  4. trade union membership,
  5. genetic data, biometric data,
  6. health data,
  7. sex life and sexual orientation.

About Us

Accurate Global is managed by ISO trained professionals in Georgia. We provide the best ISO consulting, ISO training and ISO certification to companies all over the world, all things being equal, from all fields, everywhere.

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